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Rayscaper 1.0 Documentation#

Welcome to the documentation for Rayscaper, the photo-realistic render plugin for SketchUp that is fun and easy to use.

We recommend that you first have a look at our quick start guide and then come back to the documentation to understand the finer details.


If our documentation is unclear, please contact us at for help or to suggest improvements.

Our documentation has the following sections:

  • User Interface: The Rayscaper toolbar in SketchUp and how to use the Rayscaper user interface.
  • Camera: Configure the render camera for your scene and apply effects like depth-of-field (DOF).
  • Materials: Explains the wide variety of textures in Rayscaper and how to apply them to Rayscaper's materials to configure photo-realistic looks for your objects.
  • Lights: Use environment lights and Rayscaper's light tools to place light components in your scene.
  • Rendering: Different rendering methods in Rayscaper to achieve different looks.
  • Tone Mapping: Achieve the perfect look for your scene post-rendering using different tone map operators or effects like vignette.
  • Assets: Using the different assets bundled with Rayscaper.
  • System Requirements: The minimum system requirements to use Rayscaper.
  • Release Notes: Logs all new features, improvements, and bug fixes for every release.
  • Roadmap: See where Rayscaper is going in the future.