Report a Bug

You can make a post in the Extensions & Applications Discussions forum on SketchUcation or send your bug report to

Please be descriptive in reporting the problem, that makes our life easier and saves us some back and forth:

  1. First, make sure to provide version number of Rayscaper that has the bug.
  2. If possible, provide instructions on how to reproduce the problem.
  3. If you could include a screencast or screenshot of the problem would be great.
  4. It would be even better if you sent me a minimal SketchUp test scene (.skp file) so we can reproduce the problem.
  5. Rayscaper creates a log file in the application data directory named SUEX_Rayscaper.log. For example C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Roaming\Rayscaper. To find the application directory, you can use explorer on Window, and type %AppData% in the address bar. Make sure to send us this log file.
  6. SketchUp creates a log file for each session, also attach this file. You can find it in your temp directory. Use explorer on Windows, and type %Temp% in the address bar. The file format looks like: SketchUpLog-2023-09-06-08_17_10.log